Brian’s Best - STA Approved Screened Compost
Western New York’s only STA Approved compost! Our compost goes through the US Composting Council’s rigorous testing program called STA, which requires frequent testing and analytics. A mixture of manure and other materials from the Buffalo Zoo, seaweed, fruits, vegetables, bakery waste, flowers, brewery waste, distillery waste, and wood chips. After our product meets maturity we use a screener to create a finer material.
Our screened product is ideal for landscaping, home garden projects, lawns and farms.
$55/Cubic Yard + Tax & Delivery. 6 yard minimum for delivery.

Unscreened Compost
Our Unscreened Compost is a mixture of manure and other materials from the Buffalo Zoo, seaweed, fruits, vegetables, bakery waste, flowers, brewery waste, distillery waste, and wood chips.
This product is ideal for landscaping, home garden projects, lawns and farms.
$45/ Cubic Yard + Tax & Delivery. 6 yard minimum for delivery.

Premium Zoo Blend Manure Compost
Our premium Zoo Blend takes manure from hoofed animals, aged stall bedding, straw and alfalfa from the Buffalo Zoo to product a hummus like product that is rich in nitrogen. This high quality blend is just one way we’ve partnered with the Buffalo Zoo to aid in their conservation efforts. Farmers and composters have been using manure compost for centuries, and now you can use it too!
This product is ideal for use as a garden top dressing or for potted plants.
$65/ Cubic Yard + Tax & Delivery. 6 yard minimum for delivery.

Premium Planting Sand
Our sand is sustainably harvested from the Great Lakes Region and is rich in organic matter.
This loamy sand is an excellent additive for gardens.
$35/ Cubic Yard + Tax & Delivery. 6 yard minimum for delivery.

Natural Mulch
No dyes, no additives. Our natural mulch suppresses weeds and insulates soil to keep your plant roots from getting too hot or too cold.
This product is ideal for use as a top bedding in landscaping projects and home gardens.
$30/ Cubic Yard + Tax & Delivery. 6 yard minimum for delivery.
Dyed Mulch
Our mulch suppresses weeds and insulates soil to keep your plant roots from getting too hot or too cold.
This product is ideal for use as a top bedding in landscaping projects and home gardens.
$23/ Cubic Yard + Tax & Delivery. 6 yard minimum for delivery.

Black Soldier Fly Larvae
Best food for Chickens, Duck, Bird, Hamster, Reptile, Crested Gecko Food, Bearded Dragon Food, and more! The worlds #1 sustainable protein source for feeding animals. Contains 60X-70X more calcium than dried mealworms. Natural & nutritious feed supplement for laying hens that contains the perfect balance of essential amino acids, fatty acids and minerals.
Increase the molting process, eggshell strength and naturally boosts your flocks immune system. Our Dried Larvae are fresh, dried and crispy, processed through a microwave vacuum dryer to retain a superior flavor, aroma and nutrients. Non-GMO, additive-free and preservative-free. The presence of antimicrobial agents (e.g. chitin, lauric acid) in insects has been efficient against pathogens, confirming their high potential to reduce the use of antibiotics in animal farming.
Contact us for pricing.